An alternative to the traditional wedding feast, which stretches for many hours, is a buffet. Due to the fact that the guests have no specific seats, there is no need to carry plates with portions, the tables are more compact and comfortable.
The name comes from the French name of the fork: most treats of this kind require only its use.
This method of serving food is used when it is necessary to emphasize communication rather than the absorption of food.
A buffet instead of a wedding banquet: pros and cons
Furshet for a wedding is often practiced in Western countries, but for the Russian mentality it is not accustomed, so it is necessary to break down what are the disadvantages and advantages of this way of serving treats.
Among the advantages of this event should be noted:
- Due to the fact that the dishes are lighter in structure, and their eating occurs while standing, the feast has a shorter duration in terms of time. The maximum possible amount is 3 hours, but often the meal ends within 1-2 hours.
- A convenient way for weddings only with young guests who do not want to sit rankly at a set table.
- A lighter option for newlyweds, whose preparations for the celebration may have begun 6-10 hours before the cold appetizers are served. A shorter dinner party allows them to rest or travel faster.
- Lower cost of the treats due to the absence of the former.
- Greater number of guests fit comfortably in the room compared to a banquet. This is achieved by not having bulky tables and chairs taking up floor space in the room.
Among the disadvantages are the following:
- Relatives may react negatively to such a novelty, disrupting the traditional celebration. It is also inconvenient if there are many elderly or quickly tired guests.
- It is necessary to separate the space for devouring food from the places for dancing or contests.
- It is not possible to create an extended feast of sit-ins and songs and dances.
- Lack of traditional contests and entertainment.
- A wedding buffet is inappropriate if there are a large number of guests. The effect of pandemonium would be created, we would have to install additional tables with chairs. Such a solution is suitable only for weddings outdoors and in large spaces.

How to design and decorate a buffet table for a wedding
Due to the fact that the treats consist of small portions, they take up a lot of space, so it is better to group them slightly away from each other, as in the photo.
Tables with hot, cold and sweet dishes are placed so that 4-5 guests each have free access to them.
It is good to create zoning by the type of food served, and you also need to separate the place with drinks.
Dishes served:
- Beautifully designed small portions are essential to a buffet table. Sauces, tasty salads and desserts can be arranged in cremains.
- Fruit, it is required beautifully laid out, it is best to use stapled portions with a skewer.
- All the dishes on one table should be in the same style.
What to include on the menu?
The menu for the bride price needs to include salads, meat and fish platters, canapés and sweet desserts. Also, if there are vegetarians among the invitees, you need to take care of treats for them.
The table is served both cold and hot dishes, the main feature of which is that they can be eaten by stabbing with a fork, or picking up with your hands.
How to organize a buffet at a wedding with your own hands: ideas
There are 2 ways to independently organize a buffet, depending on the venue. If the tables are set in an open space, then over them it is required to create a canopy from possible weather surprises.
When a home celebration is planned, then you need to free up space as for the installation of treats, and for the places of eating.
For a comfortable holiday furniture may need to be removed.
If there is a desire to hold a buffet in the registry office immediately after the wedding, then you need to negotiate with the employees about the provision of the room for the celebration and the time of its use. All the treats need to be bought or prepared by yourself and set on the tables 1-2 hours before the registration. Unfortunately, small district offices may not have additional halls for the celebration.